First day of social media break

Over the last couple of months I have noticed my productivity getting significantly impacted, I wasn't sure why but I thought it had something to do with how much I use my phone.
Yesterday I have realised that any time I feel lonely, sad or bored, I grab my phone.
What do I do on my phone? I check if someone needs me, wants me or has anything to say about whatever they are doing.

I think back of all the people I follow and check on a daily basis and I realise that I don't remember what most of them have said at the end of my day. I don't remember the TikToks I watch, the videos, the silly comments or the posts about amazing travel that look all the same.
Yes you have been to Iceland, yes Cappadocia is great, yes we love that you travel the world while living your dream life. But do we actually care? The answer is no.

When Covid hit, everyone had to stop what they were doing and there was enough time to reflect on what life really is. Some have already forgotten about it, but I read an article yesterday that said "everyone is quitting their jobs".
From a psychology perspective, this is normal. HR is apparently aware that people are most likely to quit their jobs when a big event happen in their life. We are not re-evaluating our work life every single day of the year but we do when we are faced with hardships.
This is to say that travel influencers stopped too, and they too had to probably wonder about their life choices.

I read this quote once: "If a product is free, you are the product". 
Although I am probably not the best example of being a product as I am spending very little on a day to day basis, I am paying with my time. 

I do have all the symptoms of what you call a social media addiction. I grab my phone when I am bored, I struggle to stay focus, I am unproductive when my phone is around, I am easily distracted, I check my phone at times when I know I shouldn't and I always wonder if someone has texted me. 
I think I am lucky enough to be self aware and always questioning my choices, but what if I wasn't? Would I just spiral into an addiction that nowadays seems to be perfectly acceptable? What if we are indeed all addicted? 

I have a few questions for you: 
"What does your time on social media give you? Are you able to control what you do and the time you spend on it?"

With love,
xx Sharon

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Proudly made with love  - Sharon Ferrari